Phraseology – Natural Minor

Music phrases (licks) are key in using the modes and maqams on the bouzouki. It is one thing to know the notes of the mode and another to use them. For this reason, we are publishing “Phrases on Bouzouki” by the great bouzouki player Manolis Karantinis. It is a superb set of videos featuring key-phrases (licks) in each mode.

In the video, Manolis plays the scale – “abc” notation, solfège – a beautiful improvisation and a smashing set of phrases. The bouzouki was recorded with an AKG 414 microphone by the exceptional sound engineer Athanasios Gikas, at Mythos Studios, Athens.

The eleventh video in the series is “Natural Minor”. The natural minor scale is identical to the natural C scale starting from note A. It is also called Aeolian. It is different to the Harmonic and the Melodic minor scales. In this video Manolis Karantinis plays fifteen phrases, an excellent improvisation and the scale itself in different positions. Once again he demonstrates his unique plectrum technique and his left hand finger positions.

Duration: 11′ 29″


Price: £9.00
(approx. 10€ or US$11, depending on exchange rates)


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  2. On the new page enter the discount code you received on the promotional email for the £2/2€ discount.
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We created a new Facebook page "Music Phrase" to publish video lessons, interviews and other features by Manolis Karantinis and other major instrumentalists.

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Phraseology – Harmonic Minor

Music phrases (licks) are key in using the modes and maqams on the bouzouki. It is one thing to know the notes of the mode and another to use them. For this reason, we are publishing “Phrases on Bouzouki” by the great bouzouki player Manolis Karantinis. It is a superb set of videos featuring key-phrases (licks) in each mode.

In the video, Manolis plays the scale – “abc” notation, solfège – a beautiful improvisation and a smashing set of phrases. The bouzouki was recorded with an AKG 414 microphone by the exceptional sound engineer Athanasios Gikas, at Mythos Studios, Athens.

The tenth video in the series is “Harmonic Minor”. This scale is used in classical music and broadly in traditional music. Starting from the fifth note, the scale is identical to the Hidjaz mode on bouzouki. The video includes 17 phrases and a beautiful improvisation, where Manolis Karantinis demonstrates inventive left-hand finger-positions, right hand technique and a unique aesthetic.

Duration: 13′ 35″


Price: £11.00
(approx. 12€ or US$13.50, depending on exchange rates)


  1. If you are a member/subscriber, click on “Checkout”.
  2. On the new page enter the discount code you received on the promotional email for the £2/2€ discount.
  3. You can then pay, either by card or PayPal.

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We created a new Facebook page "Music Phrase" to publish video lessons, interviews and other features by Manolis Karantinis and other major instrumentalists.

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Phraseology – Pireotikos

Music phrases (licks) are key in using the modes and maqams on the bouzouki. It is one thing to know the notes of the mode and another to use them. For this reason, we are publishing “Phrases on Bouzouki” by the great bouzouki player Manolis Karantinis. It is a superb set of videos featuring key-phrases (licks) in each mode.

In the video, Manolis plays the scale – “abc” notation, solfège – a beautiful improvisation and a smashing set of phrases. The bouzouki was recorded with an AKG 414 microphone by the exceptional sound engineer Athanasios Gikas, at Mythos Studios, Athens.

The ninth video in the series is “Pireotikos”. It is similar to the mode “Hidjaskiar” only that the 4th note of the scale is augmented. Pireotikos is a mode with distinct and special colour. The video contains 11 phrases with variable left-hand finger positions, application of plectrum techniques and a beautiful improvisation.

Duration: 12′ 43″


Price: £9.00
(approx. 10€ or US$11, depending on exchange rates)


  1. If you are a member/subscriber, click on “Checkout”.
  2. On the new page enter the discount code you received on the promotional email for the £2/2€ discount.
  3. You can then pay, either by card or PayPal.

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We created a new Facebook page "Music Phrase" to publish video lessons, interviews and other features by Manolis Karantinis and other major instrumentalists.

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Phraseology – Oussak

Music phrases (licks) are key in using the modes and maqams on the bouzouki. It is one thing to know the notes of the mode and another to use them. For this reason, we are publishing “Phrases on Bouzouki” by the great bouzouki player Manolis Karantinis. It is a superb set of videos featuring key-phrases (licks) in each mode.

In the video, Manolis plays the scale – “abc” notation, solfège – a beautiful improvisation and a smashing set of phrases. The bouzouki was recorded with an AKG 414 microphone by the exceptional sound engineer Athanasios Gikas, at Mythos Studios, Athens.

The eighth video in the series is “Oussak”. This mode – as it is played on bouzouki – is a natural minor mode with the second note flat. In eastern maqams the second note is flat only by a microtone and not a full semitone. Manolis is indicating so, using a bend in certain phrases in this video. The video contains 18 phrases with variable left-hand finger positions and a beautiful improvisation.

Duration: 14′ 19″


Price: £11.00
(approx. 12€ or US$13.50, depending on exchange rates)


  1. If you are a member/subscriber, click on “Checkout”.
  2. On the new page enter the discount code you received on the promotional email for the £2/2€ discount.
  3. You can then pay, either by card or PayPal.

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We created a new Facebook page "Music Phrase" to publish video lessons, interviews and other features by Manolis Karantinis and other major instrumentalists.

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Phraseology – Major

Music phrases (licks) are key in using the modes and maqams on the bouzouki. It is one thing to know the notes of the mode and another to use them. For this reason, we are publishing “Phrases on Bouzouki” by the great bouzouki player Manolis Karantinis. It is a superb set of videos featuring key-phrases (licks) in each mode.

In the video, Manolis plays the scale – “abc” notation, solfège – a beautiful improvisation and a smashing set of phrases. The bouzouki was recorded with an AKG 414 microphone by the exceptional sound engineer Athanasios Gikas, at Mythos Studios, Athens.

The seventh video in the series is “Major” which lies exactly on the common natural-major scale. The last two phrases of the video have a “Rast” colour as Manolis uses the B flat note instead of the natural B.

Duration: 26′ 26″


Price: £11.00
(approx. 12€ or US$13.50, depending on exchange rates)


  1. If you are a member/subscriber, click on “Checkout”.
  2. On the new page enter the discount code you received on the promotional email for the £2/2€ discount.
  3. You can then pay, either by card or PayPal.

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We created a new Facebook page "Music Phrase" to publish video lessons, interviews and other features by Manolis Karantinis and other major instrumentalists.

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